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2C-B Pills


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2C-B Pills for sale in the USA,Australia,Canada,Germany and UK

2CB pills containing 25mg 2CB.They will be very trippy! Take half first if you never did 2CB before!

25MG 2CB pills
Moderate Trip 15-25mg
Strong Trip 25-35mg
Extreme Trip 35mg+

The trip lasts about 4-6 hours.
Please take necessary informations. ORDER NOW

2C-B is almost always ingested orally and can take anywhere between 30 minutes and a full two hours to take effect.

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The visual effects of 2C-B can be more intense than those produced by LSD or mushrooms, yet most users report a relatively clear head space with significantly less psychological confusion.Buy 2C-B online

2C-B is a novel psychoactive substance that was invented by biochemist and psychopharmacologist Alexander “Sasha” Shulgin in 1974. Shulgin is known as the “Godfather of Ecstasy” and legally synthesized over 200 psychedelic compounds in a musty lab on his property in the Bay Area known as “the Farm.” Buy 2CB Pills Online

2C-B Pills for sale

Buy 2CB Pills Online. 2C-B, or 4-bromo-2,5 dimethoxyphenethylamine, is a hallucinogenic drug that was synthesized in 1974 by Alexander Shulgin. When Ecstasy became a controlled substance in 1985,buy 2C-B tablet online was marketed as a legal MDMA substitute. 2C-B vendor became a Schedule I substance 10 years later in 1995.

2C-B’s effects are reportedly similar to MDMAmescalineLSD, and amphetamine. Unfortunately, because it is produced illegally, someone who purchases and consumes what they think is 2C-B for sale online usa won’t know the exact ingredients used in the batch taken. They may have a dangerous reaction to the drug.

The 2C family of drugs are classed as psychedelics (hallucinogens) but they can also produce stimulant effects.

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As hallucinogens, they can make you experience reality in a distorted way that may cause hallucinations (seeing and hearing things that aren’t there).

As stimulants, they can make you feel awake, alert and affectionate towards people around you.

The buy 2CB acid tab drugs can make you:

  • energised and alert
  • extra aware of colours, sounds and smells
  • very sensitive to touch and sexually aroused

They can also make you:

  • happy and in tune with your surroundings (similar to ecstasy), especially if taken in smaller doses
  • see the world around you as being distorted, this is sometimes called ‘visuals’
  • hallucinate, especially if taken in larger doses
2C-B Pills for sale online

As with all psychedelic drugs, it’s very hard to predict how you’ll feel when you take a 2C drug – and some 2Cs cause more psychedelic effects than others. The more you take, the more intense and uncontrollable the experience will be. Buy 2cb pills online

How does it make people behave?

Because 2C drugs produce effects that are similar to both ecstasy and psychedelic drugs like LSD, people can behave like they’re on ecstasy or LSD – or both. Buy 2cb pills online

Additional information

No. of Pills

25*25mg pills, 50*25mg pills


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